Expert Soft Tech. Laboratory of Applied Statistics and BioMedical Computing Expert Soft Tech. Laboratory of Applied Statistics and BioMedical Computing Version Française
Publications, collaborations and activities of the laboratory


 "Scientia est mater cogitatio" (Claudius Galenus 130 ap. J.-C) 
Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, France
CRAPS/INSERM UFR STAPS Université de Caen, France
Institut de recherche en Médecine du sport, CHU de Caen
Agence spatiale européenne



Laboratory of applied statistics and
biomedical computing

Laurent Gouthière (Engineer)

Scientific direction

Laboratoire de statistiques appliquées et d'informatique biomédicale

The laboratory of Applied Statistics and Biomedical Computing develops methods of data analysis, mathematical tools and data processing and takes part in research projects. It is associated with the research unit of the University of Caen and specifically with the Research Laboratory in Physical Activities and Sport (CRAPS/STAPS/INSERM of the University of Caen) and the Regional Institute of Sports Medicine (IRMS CHU of Caen). The laboratory recently collaborated with the INSERM U347 laboratory of the Kremlin Bicêtre Hospital and with a laboratory of Radio-analysis of Lyon Hospices Civils in the application of innovative biostatistical methods to Molecular Biology (Telomeres structure), Cellular Biology (Hepatocytes) and Human Biochemistry (Melatonin metabolism) In 2009 the CRAPS STAPS of Caen joined Mobilités: Cognition et Temporalité. EA3917, INSERM ERI 27. In 2013 it become Université de Caen Basse-Normandie. Mobilités: Attention, Orientation et Chronobiologie (UMR INSERM U1075 Comète)

Historic :

Publications, works in Chronobiometry was refined and make publicized. In particular, the remarkable studies from Jean de Prins, Pietro Cugini, Walter Nelson, Franz Halberg, Germaine Cornélissen, Christopher Bingham and their scientific collaborators are noteworthy.

In this context, Laurent Gouthière is a methodologist and worked on modelling expert systems :
Gaudeau C., Gouthière L., Le Toullec C., Lawton E. and Chauvet G. (1990). Simulation Expert System for Physiological Mechanisms of the Space Motion Sickness. Life Sciences Research in Space, Trieste Italy, European Space Agency, ESA SP-307, 111-116.
(1, 2, 3, 4) BioComputing laboratory, BioComputing and BioTechnology society, Tours, France, (1, 2) Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Tours, France, (5) Laboratory of Theoretical Biology, University of Angers, France.

Claude Gaudeau, Vero Rakotomalala, Laurent Gouthière, Eric Ravaud, Stéphanie Benoist (1996). Fuzzy Automata and Grammars: Manipulation of Uncertain Knowledge. Modeling Complex Data for Creating Information. Editors: Pr. Dr. Jacques Emile Dubois, Dr. Nahum Gershon. ISBN: 978-3-642-80201-0 (Print) 978-3-642-80199-0 (Online), Springer.
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) BioComputing laboratory, BioComputing and BioTechnology society, Tours, France, (1, 3) Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Tours, France.

and on the analytical approach to periodic phenomena :
Gaudeau C., Gouthière L. (1992). Méthodologie d'analyse des rythmes dans les systèmes non linéaires. Les rythmes, lectures et théories. Converscienses, L'Harmattan. 31-56.
(1, 2) BioComputing laboratory, BioComputing and BioTechnology society, Tours, France, (1, 2) Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Tours, France

In the field of time series analysis, new methods of rhythm detection or, more generally, of periodic phenomena (spectral analysis): "Reverse Elliptic Spectrum" and "Percent Rhythm Spectrum" are found.
Laurent Gouthière (Associated researcher of the CRAPS STAPS/INSERM University of Caen) is a member of the French Society of Chronobiology (SFC), the European Biological Rhythms Society (EBRS) and the French Society of Statistics (SFdS)

Research seminars :

Gouthière L. (2003). Séminaire de recherche sur les approches pluridisciplinaires du mouvement humain et de la pratique sportive à l'UFR STAPS de Caen, (Statistical study of the analysis of a bioperiodic phenomenon). Chronobiométrie et méthodologie d'analyses des rythmes biologiques. UFR STAPS, March 27th 2003. Complementary elements in applied Chronobiology 
(1) Laboratory of applied statistics and biomedical computing (Expert Soft Tech.), Esvres France.

Publications in peer-reviewed international journals :

Mauvieux B., Gouthière L., Sesboüe B. et Davenne D. (2003). (Comparing circadian rhythms and sleep actimetric reflection of sportive and sedentary subjects engaged in night-shift work)Etudes comparées des rythmes circadiens de la température et reflet actimétrique du sommeil de sportifs et sédentaires en poste régulier de nuit. Can J Appl Physiol. 2003 Dec;28(6):831-87. French.  (PMID: 14992125)  (Full text Etudes comparées des rythmes circadiens et reflet
actimétrique du sommeil de sportifs et de
sédentaires en poste régulier de nuit)
(1, 4) Laboratory of the research center in physical and sport activities (CRAPS) UPRES EA 2131, University of Caen, France (2) Laboratory of applied Statistics and biomedical computing (Expert Soft Tech.) Esvres, France, (3) Regional institute of sport medicine (IRMS), CHU of Caen, France.

Deschatrette J., Ng KH, Gouthière L., Maigné J., Gerroui S. and Wolfrom C. (2004). Telomere dynamics determine episodes of anticancer drug resistance in rat hepatoma cells. Anticancer Drugs. 2004 Aug;15(7):671-8. (PMID: 15269598)
(1, 2, 4, 5, 6) INSERM U347, the Kremlin-Bicétre Hospital, le Kremlin Bicétre, France, (3) Laboratory of applied statistics and biomedical computing (Expert Soft Tech.), Esvres France.

Gouthière L., Claustrat B., Brun J. et Mauvieux B. (2005).  (Complementary methodological steps in the analysis of rhythms: search for periods, modelling. Examples of plasma melatonin and temperature curves)Eléments méthodologiques complémentaires dans l'analyse des rythmes: recherche de périodes, modélisation. Exemples de la Mélatonine plasmatique et de courbes de températures. Pathol Biol (Paris). 2005 Jun;53(5):285-9. Epub 2005 Jan 28. French. (PMID: 15939140)  (Full text )
(1) Laboratory of applied statistics and biomedical computing (Expert Soft Tech.), Esvres, France, (2, 3) Radiopharmacy and radioanalysis, Nuclear medicine center, Neurocardiologic Hospital, Lyon, France, (4) Laboratory of the research center in physical and sport activities (CRAPS) UPRES EA 2131, University of Caen, France.

Gouthière L., Mauvieux B., Davenne D. and Waterhouse J. (2005). Complementary methodology in the analysis of rhythmic data, using examples from a complex situation, the rhythmicity of temperature in night-shift workers. Biol Rhythm Res. 2005 July;36(3):177-193.  (Full text )
(1) Laboratory of applied statistics and biomedical computing (Expert Soft Tech.), Esvres, France, (2, 3) Laboratory of the research center in physical and sport activities (CRAPS) UPRES EA 2131, University of Caen, France, (4) Research institute for sport and exercise sciences, John Moores University, Liverpool, UK.

Gouthière L., Mauvieux B. (2005). (Chronobiological Time Series, data quality and modelisation). Séries temporelles chronobiologiques : qualité des données, modélisation. Rythmes 2005 Dec;36(4):99-106. Méthodology in Applied Chronobiology (Full text )
(1) Laboratory of applied statistics and biomedical computing (Expert Soft Tech.), Esvres France, (2) Laboratory of the research center in physical and sport activities (CRAPS) UPRES EA 2131, University of Caen, France.

Mauvieux B., Gouthière L., Sesboué B., Denise P. et Davenne D. (2007). (Effects of the physical exercise and sports on the circadian rhythm of temperature and waking/sleep pattern of the elderly. Examples in retired and night workers) Effets de l'entraînement physique et sportif sur le rythme circadien de la température et le rythme veille-sommeil chez la personne vieillissante. Exemple chez des retraités et des travailleurs de nuit. Pathol Biol (Paris). 2007 Apr-May;55(3-4):205-7. Epub 2007 Mar 27. French. (PMID: 17391866)  (Full text )
(1, 5) Laboratory of the research center in physical and sport activities (CRAPS) UPRES EA 2131, University of Caen, France, (1, 2) Laboratory of applied statistics and biomedical computing (Expert Soft Tech.) Esvres, France, (3) Regional institute of sport medicine (IRMS), CHU of Caen, France, (4) Physiology laboratory, CHU of Caen, France.

Gueugneau N., Mauvieux B., Papaxanthis C. (2008). Circadian modulation of mentally simulated motor actions: implications for the potential use of motor imagery in rehabilitation. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2009 Mar-Apr;23(3):237-45. Epub 2008 Oct 30. (PMID: 18974420)
(1, 3) INSERM ERIT-M207, University of Bourgogne, France, (2) INSERM ESPRI EA 3917 Mobilités : Cognition et Temporalité, University of Caen, France, (2)  Laboratory of applied statistics and biomedical computing (Expert Soft Tech.) Esvres, France.

Publications in books :

Gouthière L., Mauvieux B. (2004). (Essential steps in the analysis of rhythms: Quality of the experimental data, search for periods by spectral analysis of various principles, modelling). Etapes essentielles dans l'analyse des rythmes : Qualité des données expérimentales, Recherche de périodes par analyses spectrales de principes divers, Modélisation. XXXVème Congrès de la Société Francophone de Chronobiologie, Sur quelques aspects de la Chronobiologie. Publications de l'Université de Saint-Etienne (Jean Monnet), ISBN: 2-86272-342-8, July 2004. Methodology in applied Chronobiology (Full text )
(1) Laboratory of applied statistics and biomedical computing (Expert Soft Tech.) Esvres, France, (2) Laboratory of the research center in physical and sport activities (CRAPS) UPRES EA 2131, University of Caen, France.

Mauvieux B., Gouthière L., Sesboüe B. et Davenne D. (2004). (Comparative studies of the circadian rhythms and actimetric reflection of sleep quality of sportive and sedentary workers in night-shift work).  Comparaisons des rythmes circadiens de la température et reflet actimétrique du sommeil de sportifs et de sédentaires en poste régulier de nuit. XXXVème Congrès de la Société Francophone de Chronobiologie, Sur quelques aspects de la Chronobiologie. Publications de l'Université de Saint-Etienne (Jean Monnet), July 2004. (Full text pdf)
(1, 4) Laboratory of the research center in physical and sport activities (CRAPS) UPRES EA 2131, University of Caen, France, (2) Laboratory of applied statistics and biomedical computing, (Expert Soft Tech.) Esvres, France, (3) Regional institute of sport medicine (IRMS), CHU of Caen, France.

Publication in a science magazine :

Larousserie D., Mauvieux B. (2005). Physiologie : Sport et travail de nuit (Physiology: Sport and night shift work). Sciences et Avenir. 2005 Dec;706:35.
(1) Sciences et Avenir magazine, France, (2) Laboratory of applied statistics and biomedical computing (Expert Soft Tech.) Esvres, France and laboratory of the research center in physical and sport activities (CRAPS) UPRES EA 2131, University of Caen, France.

Oral communications at congresses :

Gouthière L., Mauvieux B. (2003). (Essential steps in the analysis of rhythms: Quality of the experimental data, search for periods by spectral analysis of various principles, modelling). Etapes essentielles dans l'analyse des rythmes : Qualité des données expérimentales, Recherche de périodes par analyses spectrales de principes divers, Modélisation. XXXVth Congress of the French Society of Chronobiology, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, University of Saint-Etienne, France, June 10-12 2003. (Abstract )
(1) Laboratory of applied statistics and biomedical computing (Expert Soft Tech.) Esvres, France, (2) Laboratory of the research center in physical and sport activities (CRAPS) UPRES EA 2131, University of Caen, France.

Mauvieux B., Gouthière L., Sesboüe B., Davenne D. (2003). (Comparative studies of circadian rhythms and actimetric reflection of the sleep quality of sportive and sedentary in night-shift workers).  Etudes comparées du rythme circadien de la température et reflet actimétrique de la qualité du sommeil de sportifs et de sédentaires en poste de nuit. XXXVth Congress of the French Society of Chronobiology, University of Saint-Etienne, France, June 10-12 2003. (Abstract )
(1, 4) Laboratory of the research center in physical and sport activities (CRAPS) UPRES EA 2131, University of Caen, France, (2) Laboratory of applied statistics (Expert Soft Tech.) Esvres, France, (3) Regional institute of sport medicine (IRMS), CHU of Caen, France.

Gouthière L. (2003). Complementary methodological approach to rhythms analysis : Quality, period, modelling (Approche méthodologique complémentaire dans l'analyse des rythmes : Qualité, période, modélisation). XIIIth Congress of the French Medical Association of Chronobiology, VTF Saint Sauves, La Bourboule, France, September 25-28 2003. (Abstract )
(1) Laboratory of applied statistics and biomedical computing (Expert Soft Tech.), Esvres, France.

Mauvieux B., Gouthière L., Sesboüe B., Davenne D. (2004). (Effects of physical and sports training on the circadian rhythms of night-shift workers). Effets de l’entrainement physique et sportif sur les rythmes circadiens du travailleur en poste regulier de nuit. XXXVIth Congress of the French Society of Chronobiology, University of Rennes, France. (Abstract ), (White paper )
(1, 4) Laboratory of the research center in physical and sport activities (CRAPS) UPRES EA 2131, University of Caen, France (2) Laboratory of applied statistics and biomedical computing (Expert Soft Tech.) Esvres, France, (3) Regional Institute of Sport Medicine (IRMS), CHU of Caen, France.

Gouthière L., Wolfrom C. et Deschatrette J. (2004). (Reverse Elliptic Periodogram (REP): principle, interest, example of cell proliferation rate of transformed human fibroblasts, HGK1 cells). Spectre Elliptique Inverse, principe, intérêt, exemple des périodicités de la vitesse de prolifération de fibroblastes humains transformés (cellules HGK1). XXXVIth Congress of the French Society of Chronobiology, University of Rennes, France, May 17-19 2004. (Abstract ), (White paper )
(1) Laboratory of applied statistics and biomedical computing (Expert Soft Tech.), Esvres France, (2, 3) INSERM U347, the Kremlin-Bicétre Hospital, le Kremlin Bicétre, France.

Mauvieux B., Gouthière L., Sesboué B., Denise P. et Davenne D. (2005). (Effects of physical training and sport activity on the circadian rhythm of temperature and night and day rhythm for aging people. Example for retired and night workers). Effets de l'entrainement physique et sportif sur le rythme circadien de la température et le rythme veille-sommeil chez la personne vieillissante. Exemple chez des retraités et des travailleurs de nuit. XIVth Congress of the French Medical Association of Chronobiology, Centre Paul Langevin, Aussois, France, March 10-13 2005. (Abstract )
(1, 5) Laboratory of the research center in physical and sport activities (CRAPS) UPRES EA 2131, University of Caen, France, (2) Laboratory of applied statistics and biomedical computing (Expert Soft Tech.), Esvres France, (3) Regional institute of sport medicine (IRMS), CHU of Caen, France, (4) Laboratory of Physiology, CHU of Caen, France.

Mauvieux B., Gouthière L., Sesboué B. et Davenne D. (2005).  (Effects of a regular sports training programme on the biological rhythms of night workers). Effets de l'entraînement physique et sportif régulier sur les rythmes biologiques du travailleur de nuit. XXXVIIth Congress of the French Society of Chronobiology, University of Strasbourg, France, April 18-20 2005. (Abstract )
(1, 5) Laboratory of the research center in physical and sport activities (CRAPS) UPRES EA 2131, University of Caen, France, (1, 2) Laboratory of applied statistics and biomedical Computing (Expert Soft Tech.), Esvres France, (3) Regional Institute of Sport Medicine (IRMS), CHU of Caen, France,

Claustrat B., Frezet S., Gouthière L., Malan A., Brun J. and Claustrat F. (2005). Alteration of daily urine 6-sulfatoxymelatonin, plasma corticosterone and hepatic clock gene expression in the folate deficient CBA mouse. Xth Congress of the European Pineal and Biological Rhythms Society, September 1st-5th, 2005 - Frankfurt / Main, Germany. (Abstract )
(1, 2, 5, 6) Radiopharmacy and radioanalysis, Nuclear Medicine Center, Neurocardiologic Hospital, Lyon, France, (3) Laboratory of applied statistics and biomedical computing (Expert Soft Tech.), Esvres, France, (4) Neurobiology of the Rhythms, CNRS and Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, France.

Mauvieux B., Gouthière L., Sesboüe B. and Davenne D. (2006). (Chronobiology and health of night workers : How can physical and sports training can slow down the phenomenon of desynchronization of biological rhythms ?). Chronobiologie et santé des travailleurs de nuit : Comment l’entraînement physique et sportif peut ralentir le phénomène de désynchronisation des rythmes biologiques ? XXXXIth Congress of the French Language Society of Ergonomics (SELF) , September 11-13, 2006, Caen, France. 
(1, 2, 4) Laboratory of the research center in physical and sport activities (CRAPS) UPRES EA 2131, University of Caen, France, (1, 2) Laboratory of applied statistics and biomedical computing (Expert Soft Tech.), Esvres, France, (3) Regional institute of sport medicine (IRMS), CHU of Caen, France.

Mauvieux B., Reinberg A., Gouthière L., Sesboüe B. and Davenne D. (2009). 10 years of regular sports activity prevents rhythms desynchronisation of oral temperature and both hand grip strength in night workers. The third international congress of applied chronobiology and chronomedecine, May 17 – 22, 2009 Palm beach Hotel Akko (Acre) Israel. (Abstract )
(1, 5) ESPRI INSERM EA3917 - UFR STAPS, University of Caen, France, (2) Unity of Chronobiology, A. de Rothschild Foundation, 29 rue Manin, 75940 Paris Cedex 19, France, (3) Laboratory of Applied Statistics and BioMedical Computing, 7 chemin de la Birotte, 37320 Esvres, France, (4) Regional Institute of Sport Medicine (IRMS), CHU of Caen, Cote de Nacre, F-14000 Caen.

Kaeffer B., Qi H., Matos R.J.B., Legrand A., Chauty A., Darmaun D., Morel F., Gouthière L., Bolaños-Jiménez F., Champ M., Rozé J.-C. (2009). Exfoliated epithelial cells, a source of information on clock genes expression by preterm infants to explore the onset of metabolic syndrome. XI Congress of the European Biological Rhythms Society, organized in association with the Japanese Society for Chronobiology, August, 22nd –28th, 2009 Strasbourg France (Abstract )
UMR 1280 Pl Alexis-Ricordeau F-44093 Nantes CEDEX 01, except LG: Lab statistiques appliqués et informatique bio-médicale (Expert soft Tech.), 7- ch de la Birotte F-37320 Esvres.

Communications posted at congresses :

Mauvieux B., Gouthière L., Sesboüe B. et Davenne D. (2003). (Effects of sports programme on biological rhythms and sleep quality in an extreme situation: Example of regular night work). Les effets d'un programme d'entraînement sportif sur les rythmes biologiques et sur la qualité du sommeil en situation extrême : Exemple du travail régulier de nuit. Xème Congrès International des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives, Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse, France, October 30-31, November 1st 2003.  (Abstract )(Poster )
(1, 4) Laboratory of the research center in physical and sport activities (CRAPS) UPRES EA 2131, University of Caen, France (2) Laboratory of applied statistics and biomedical computing (Expert Soft Tech.), Esvres France, (3) Regional institute of sport medicine (IRMS), CHU of Caen, France.

Mauvieux B., LaRue J., Gouthière L., Sesboüe B. et Davenne D. (2004). (Influence of the level of physical training and sports activity on the capacity to focus for technicians in night-shift work). Influence du niveau d’entraînement physique et sportif sur la capacité à produire une tâche attentionnelle chez des techniciens en poste de nuit. Journées Nationales d’Etudes de la Société Française de Psychologie du Sport, UFR-APS de Grenoble, Grenoble, France, April 1-2 2004. (Abstract )(Poster )
(1, 2, 5) Laboratory of the research center in physical and sport activities (CRAPS) UPRES EA 2131, University of Caen, France (3) Laboratory of applied statistics and biomedical computing (Expert Soft Tech.), Esvres, France, (4) Regional Institute of Sport Medicine (IRMS), CHU of Caen, France.

Mauvieux B., Gouthière L., Sesboüe B. et Davenne D. (2005). (Physical training and sports effects on biological rhythms and sleep quality of night-shift workers). Effets de l'entraînement physique et sportif sur les rythmes biologiques et sur la qualité du sommeil des travailleurs de nuit. XI. International ACAPS Conference (Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives), October 26-28 2005, Paris, France. (Abstract )(Poster )
(1, 4) Laboratory of the research center in physical and sport activities (CRAPS) UPRES EA 2131, University of Caen, France, (2) Laboratory of applied statistics (Expert Soft Tech.) Esvres, France, (3) Regional Institute of Sport Medicine (IRMS), CHU of Caen, France.

Gueugneau N., Mauvieux B. et Papaxanthis C. (2005).  (The mental image of movement and circadian influence: Is isochrony persistent throughout the day). Image mentale du mouvement et influence circadienne : L’isochronie est-elle persistante tout au long de la journée. XI. International ACAPS Conference, October 26-28 2005, Paris, France. (Poster )
(1, 3) INSERM ERM 207 Motivity-Plasticity, UFR STAPS, University of Bourgogne, Dijon, France, (2) Laboratory of the research center in physical and sport activities (CRAPS) UPRES EA 2131, University of Caen, France and Laboratory of applied statistics and biomedical computing (Expert Soft Tech.) Esvres, France.

Mauvieux B., Gouthière L., Waterhouse J. et Davenne D. (2006). (Sliding window modeling for the study of dynamic variations of circadian rythmicity of temperature when external synchronizers of the intern clock are disturbed: jet lag and constant routine).  Modélisation par la méthode des fenêtres glissantes des variations dynamiques de la rythmicité circadienne de la température lorsque les synchroniseurs externes de l'horloge interne sont perturbés : jet lag et constant routine.. XXXVIII. Congress of the French Society of Chronobiology, May 9-11 2006, Lyon, France. (Poster )
(1, 2, 4) Laboratory of the research center in physical and sport activities (CRAPS) UPRES EA 2131, University of Caen, France, (1, 2) Laboratory of applied statistics (Expert Soft Tech.) Esvres, France, (1, 3) Research institute for sport and exercise sciences, John Moores University, Liverpool, UK.

Clarisse R., Le Floc’h, N., Vallée O., Testu F. et Gouthière L. (2007). (Complementary methodological approaches in the analysis of the daily rhythmicity of attention in children 10 to 11 years old) Approches méthodologiques complémentaires dans l’analyse de la rythmicité de l’attention journalière de l’enfant de 10 à 11 ans.  XXXIX Congress of the French Society of Chronobiology, Paris Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, France, du 19 au 21 Septembre 2007 Paris France. (Abstract )
(1) EA 2114 Vieillissement et développement adulte, Université de Tours, (2) UPRES EA 3984 Processus Cognitifs et conduites Interactives, Université de Paris X Nanterre, (3) ERTe 1053 Aménagement des temps de vie et comportements humains, Université de Tours, (4) UR EA 3269 Laboratoire d’Analyse Spectroscopique et d’Energétique des Plasmas, Université d’Orléans, (5) Laboratoire de statistiques appliquées et d’informatique biomédicale, Expert Soft Tech. F-37320 Esvres, France.

Kaeffer B., Qi H., Matos R.J.B., Legrand A., Chauty A., Darmaun D., Morel F., Gouthière L., Bolaños-Jiménez F., Champ M., Rozé J.-C. (2009). Exfoliated epithelial cells, a source of information on clock genes expression by preterm infants to explore the onset of metabolic syndrome.  XI Congress of the European Biological Rhythms Society, organized in association with the Japanese Society for Chronobiology, August, 22nd –28th, 2009 Strasbourg France (Poster )
UMR INRA 1280 Pl Alexis-Ricordeau F-44093 Nantes CEDEX 01, except LG: Lab statistiques appliqués et informatique bio-médicale (Expert soft Tech.), 7- ch de la Birotte F-37320 Esvres.

Thesis :

Photo with the thesis committee Benoit Mauvieux, Thesis viva, University of Caen Sport Sciences Ph.D., December 3rd 2004, Title:  (Effects of regular physical and sports training programmes, long term or temporary, on biological rhythms in night-shift workers). Effets d'un entrainement physique et sportif régulier, chronique ou temporaire, sur les rythmes biologiques du travailleur de nuit  (Abstract )
Thesis Dir. : D. Davenne, Jury : D. Davenne (PU Caen Univ.), G. Falgairette (PU Toulon Univ.), J. Foret (CNRS Caen Dir.), A. Muzet (CNRS Strasbourg Dir.), A. Reinberg (CNRS Paris Dir.), L. Gouthière (Eng. Expert Soft Tech. Lab.)